Thank you for inquiring about The Lodges—Sun Dancer & Spirit Dancer.
An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about Life.
He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me… it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person”
They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather “Which wolf will win, grandfather?”
The old Cherokee simply replied… “The one you feed”
Come share in the serenity of The Lodges and feed the wolf of joy, peace, love and hope!
Please refer to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tab for most of your needs and to Rentals/Rental Process tab for details regarding the mechanics of renting, and to the Rentals/Rates & Availability tab for our rates.
We have a two night minimum and you can add a day onto the front or back of a weekend rental for an additional cost. There is a 5.3% VA State occupancy tax and a 5% Madison County occupancy tax on the rental amount.
We operate on a first come first serve basis. Until your deposit is received, the time slot remains available to others. Our policy is payment of 1/2 the total rental amount at the time of commitment plus a damage deposit which is fully refundable upon inspection. We have many nice things there. It is our home away from home and we want others to enjoy it and respect it as we do. Please send deposit to:
Final payment of rent amounts are to be received 1 month prior to the start of the rental period. All amounts are fully refundable up to 30 Days prior to the start of the rental date. After that time the rental payments are forfeited and the damage deposit is promptly returned.
We have a large notebook of activities at each lodge and our website provides a great many organizations with included web links for touring, visiting wineries, canoeing, restaurants, skiing, biking, and much more. Once you commit to a specific date, the Madison Chamber of Commerce can provide you with knowledge of any special events that may be occurring in the area.
These are many highlights and experiences to put away into your memory banks and the environment lends itself to the fellowship and good bonding. We enjoy the winter months equally well. What is lost in outside activities is gained by sitting around the fire and enjoying the conversation.
Summer — On occasion, the stream on Emmett Road (route 644) overflows making passage impossible without a boat. If this occurs, refer to the alternate approach outlined in the website directions. It is a short detour of about 1 mile.
Winter — Virginia generally enjoys mild winters. Snowstorms, even when they occur, are often only an inch or two, and tend to melt in a few days. The roads are State maintained and flat to the point of the entrance to our driveway. Our driveway is 1/2 mile long and climbs in elevation. There is parking along the flat portion of the driveway and at the top of each driveway. We have generally been able to make the climb with a standard vehicle, however once or twice over the past 10 years the snow has been too deep for a 2 wheel drive vehicle to make the climb. The worst-case scenario is that you have to hike the last 150 yards. The best-case scenario is that you arrive and are snowed in till spring!
The Rentals/Items Supplied tab includes a list of items to bring. You will likely want to purchase your groceries before arrival. The nearest supermarket is about 12 miles away in Madison. There is a small general store 1.5 miles away but it is very limited in items. Bring your favorite DVD movies. We do have a video library at each lodge. Also you likely will need a phone card as cell phones generally do not work.
If you have any other questions before arrival don’t hesitate to call 703 877-8126, or email The telephone number at Sun Dancer is 540-923-4118 and at Spirit Dancer is 540-923-4325.
At the end of your stay, clean-up includes washing bed sheets & towels, dishes, and sweeping the floors. In short, leaving the place like you found it which includes putting the furniture back in its original position if you have moved it around. If you prefer not to wash, dry and fold sheets and towels, a $150 laundry charge will apply for Spirit Dancer and a $200 charge for Sun Dancer (beds do not need to be made at either lodge). Charges will be deducted from your security deposit.